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Vecchio 28 aprile 11, 09:28   #1201 (permalink)  Top
Gran Decapo
L'avatar di Ehstìkatzi
Data registr.: 18-03-2007
Messaggi: 14.605
Mew Gull

Un racer anni........indovinate..........
ma sì, anni 30.

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Vecchio 28 aprile 11, 15:04   #1202 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di andreis
Data registr.: 23-12-2007
Residenza: Monza
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Originalmente inviato da Ehstìkatzi Visualizza messaggio
Un idro di forma particolare.

Si, proprio un bel soggetto !!!!

Somiglia proprio molto al SEAWIND Seawind 300C - The World's Fastest and Best Land and Seaplane, con pochissime differenze di dettaglio, l'idea progettuale è veramente moooolto interessante.
Le prime recensioni del full-size risalgono agli anni 90, ma è probabile che il concetto risalga a parecchi anni prima, ciò nonostante ma mi sembra una macchina ancora attualissima.

Tra l'altro è un velivolo riprodotto in kit da Grat Planes Great Planes Seawind .60-.91 Sport-Scale ARF.

Magari l'idea è nata proprio attorno al modello..... ma chi lo può dire ?


Ultima modifica di andreis : 28 aprile 11 alle ore 15:10
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Vecchio 29 aprile 11, 09:24   #1203 (permalink)  Top
Gran Decapo
L'avatar di Ehstìkatzi
Data registr.: 18-03-2007
Messaggi: 14.605
Avro 504 K

Un piccolo biplano anni 20.

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Vecchio 30 aprile 11, 08:44   #1204 (permalink)  Top
Gran Decapo
L'avatar di Ehstìkatzi
Data registr.: 18-03-2007
Messaggi: 14.605
Kari Keen Sioux Coupe

Mai sentito.

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Vecchio 30 aprile 11, 18:29   #1205 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 30-04-2011
Residenza: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Messaggi: 4
El Chuparosa

Ciao from Canada!


I saw in the forum that you posted scans from Scale Rc Modeler September 1993 of Ray Hegy's El chuparosa biplane. Would you be able to email me high resolution scans? I'm also trying to find a better scan of the attached 3-view. On the left is El Chuparosa - not sure what magazine it is from. There is also another 3-view in Scale RC Modeler September 1990 - it is shown on the scans you posted. Any help you could give me would be great. I'd like to start building a half-scale model sometime this year.

Thanks again,

Icone allegate
Interessa l'oggetto ?-image.jpg  
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Vecchio 01 maggio 11, 08:08   #1206 (permalink)  Top
Gran Decapo
L'avatar di Ehstìkatzi
Data registr.: 18-03-2007
Messaggi: 14.605
Originalmente inviato da Couch-pilot Visualizza messaggio
Ciao from Canada!


I saw in the forum that you posted scans from Scale Rc Modeler September 1993 of Ray Hegy's El chuparosa biplane. Would you be able to email me high resolution scans? I'm also trying to find a better scan of the attached 3-view. On the left is El Chuparosa - not sure what magazine it is from. There is also another 3-view in Scale RC Modeler September 1990 - it is shown on the scans you posted. Any help you could give me would be great. I'd like to start building a half-scale model sometime this year.

Thanks again,

Can't remember if this one was already posted.
As you can see it comes fron english magazine Aeromodeller, I'm sure they still have original drawings.
I have the jpg file at 2.1 mega and can send to your e-mail address if you want it.

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Vecchio 02 maggio 11, 08:24   #1207 (permalink)  Top
Gran Decapo
L'avatar di Ehstìkatzi
Data registr.: 18-03-2007
Messaggi: 14.605
Porterfield Collegiate

Uno dei tanti aerei alternativi al Piper J3.
Un piccolo modello di facile costruzione.

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Vecchio 02 maggio 11, 08:35   #1208 (permalink)  Top
Gran Decapo
L'avatar di Ehstìkatzi
Data registr.: 18-03-2007
Messaggi: 14.605
Originalmente inviato da Couch-pilot Visualizza messaggio
Ciao from Canada!


A young friend of mine, aeronautical engineer, who lives and works in Canada at Bombardier was at our flying field yesterday attending our annual tow meeting.
He spent all the day sun bathing, he said he has a strong need for warm weather.

He did also the most coveted job of the day:cleaning with a spoon the pan of lasagna after all the people had their part.
The job was successfully done, look at the right low corner of the picture.

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Vecchio 02 maggio 11, 14:35   #1209 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 30-04-2011
Residenza: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Messaggi: 4
What a lucky guy! Lasagne...Mmmmmm... My mother was from Trieste. I really miss her lasagne...
Yes, we do prefer warmer weather. We had our last snowstorm about 3 weeks ago, and now I can walk around in a T-shirt - go figure!
Thanks again for the hi-res scan - it is dead-clear!

Looks like you guys have a nice field!
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Vecchio 03 maggio 11, 08:44   #1210 (permalink)  Top
Gran Decapo
L'avatar di Ehstìkatzi
Data registr.: 18-03-2007
Messaggi: 14.605
Slingsby Gull Mk IV

Un aliante d'epoca in scala 1:5.
I disegni, purtroppo non completi, sono disponibili presso Traplet Publications.

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