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Vecchio 13 maggio 08, 01:21   #1 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
Ralph's latest speed/power motor

Originalmente inviato da Ralph Okon
... at the beginning of climbing I found 153A = about
3000watts.after 10 sec and under full throttle only 1900 watts are needed to
hold the vertically speed of 50m/s.after motor cut off climbing is more than
100m! ...
a hot direct drive - RC Groups

His other speed motors ...
powercroco speedcroco18-8
powercroco speedcupcroco
powercroco speedcroco5x1,18YY
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Vecchio 16 maggio 08, 21:40   #2 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di gmo78
Data registr.: 14-05-2004
Residenza: Nel Parco Regionale del Matese (CE)
Messaggi: 4.295
Hello Ron
Do you know if somebody built an outrunner very slim and log for slim fuselages?
For example, a good slim commercial outrunner with correct dimensions for slim fuselages is the hyperion G2220.
Visita il mio sito!
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Vecchio 17 maggio 08, 00:35   #3 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
I have no links for you, but it's no problem. Howewever, you do need an extra bearing. See e.g. the Torcman 350 'Triton' series:
TORCMAN Brushless Motoren
-> TM350 & TM430 Serie

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Vecchio 17 maggio 08, 00:36   #4 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
Or a shaft extension

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Vecchio 17 maggio 08, 02:10   #5 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di gmo78
Data registr.: 14-05-2004
Residenza: Nel Parco Regionale del Matese (CE)
Messaggi: 4.295
Originalmente inviato da ron_van_sommeren Visualizza messaggio
I have no links for you, but it's no problem. Howewever, you do need an extra bearing. See e.g. the Torcman 350 'Triton' series:
TORCMAN Brushless Motoren
-> TM350 & TM430 Serie
42mm... this is still a problem for small fuselages... a diameter of 42mm is to big for a lot of fuses. And shaft extension stoles some centimeters of space.
Also Prinz said:
"F5B: I don't think, you will get such motor into one of these actual boomstick- bodies!
I used a really old type from brushed motor times".

If I will have time in the future, I will try to make a project of long and slim LRK with 20x4.5x2 magnets (or longer, coupling the magnets).
Visita il mio sito!
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Vecchio 21 maggio 08, 15:25   #6 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
DIY inrunner links
DIY Inrunner - RC Groups
Winding coils over more than one statorpole, with Ralph Okon, Steve Neu and Herbert Kabi:
How to rewind back burned megamotor - inrunner - RC Groups

Vriendelijke groeten, Ron
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Vecchio 30 gennaio 09, 15:46   #7 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
German Speed-Cup outrunners - RC Groups

Prettig weekend Ron
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