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Vecchio 03 dicembre 05, 14:41   #1 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
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? Savoia logo

Rene Kunipatz from Dresden (Germany) is looking for a "clear shot of the savoia logo" for his Schneider Trophy racer:

You can post the picture here, I gave Rene the link to this Italian thread.
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Vecchio 04 dicembre 05, 03:10   #2 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di rangotango
Data registr.: 27-11-2005
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Vecchio 04 dicembre 05, 11:42   #3 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-12-2005
Messaggi: 4
Hi Rangotango,
thank you, this will help.
But what I'm searching is the large blue/white triangle aside the savoia S65 schneider trophy racer float.
There is a sort of typing inside; I could identify the last part:
Societa Idrovolanti Alta Italia.
But in front of the Savoia crown logo there is some more typing that I can't identify.
Can you help, please?

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Vecchio 04 dicembre 05, 11:52   #4 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di CantZ506
Data registr.: 10-04-2004
Residenza: Brescia
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Originalmente inviato da Rene Kunipatz
...logo there is some more typing that I can't identify.
Can you help, please?

Can you post the picture you are talking about? Maybe it will help to identify the typing.
Ciao, Piero.

[/SIZE]onlus per il recupero di ranocchi cafoni cerca volontari da inserire nel proprio organico[/CENTER]
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Vecchio 04 dicembre 05, 18:14   #5 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-12-2005
Messaggi: 4
Hmm, here is the best I have on my computer. I have a better picture in a book, but sadly no scanner at the moment.
You can see the bright "Savoia Marchetti" letters, than the "S65". All clear so far. Than comes the blue/white triangle. I found out there is an anchor at the middle point, and aft of this the "Societa Idrovolanti Alta Italia", but befor the anchor are some more letters. I need these to get it scale.

Icone allegate
? Savoia logo-631224.jpg   ? Savoia logo-savoia02.jpg  
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Vecchio 05 dicembre 05, 01:08   #6 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di CantZ506
Data registr.: 10-04-2004
Residenza: Brescia
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I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any news!
Ciao, Piero.

[/SIZE]onlus per il recupero di ranocchi cafoni cerca volontari da inserire nel proprio organico[/CENTER]
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Vecchio 05 dicembre 05, 04:40   #7 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Ordensis
Data registr.: 27-10-2005
Residenza: Roma
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I've got a book, which i've never even opened, about WW1 planes. I'll browse it and look for that logo your friend's looking for
The problem is i ain't got an image scanner, but i'll try to get a good picture of it with a Digital camera. I think some basic skills with photoshop can help bringing it back to a decent shape and resolution to print it out and apply it to the model
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Vecchio 05 dicembre 05, 23:10   #8 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Odi
Data registr.: 10-01-2005
Residenza: Lugano - Svizzera
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Originalmente inviato da Rene Kunipatz
Hmm, here is the best I have on my computer. I have a better picture in a book, but sadly no scanner at the moment.
You can see the bright "Savoia Marchetti" letters, than the "S65". All clear so far. Than comes the blue/white triangle. I found out there is an anchor at the middle point, and aft of this the "Societa Idrovolanti Alta Italia", but befor the anchor are some more letters. I need these to get it scale.

Maybe this one can help?


Save the Swiss Milk, drink Beer!
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Vecchio 06 dicembre 05, 01:00   #9 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di 2M86
Data registr.: 26-12-2004
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Good morning, I found this photo of the logo in the floats of the Savoia S65.
The problem is that I don't know if is original logo of the real aircraft!!!
This logo is a texture of the Savoia S65 present in the Virtual Schneider Project, an Add on for the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004.
The link of the website of the Add on for the game is:

Best Regards,

Allegato 9126

Ultima modifica di 2M86 : 18 luglio 08 alle ore 15:17
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Vecchio 06 dicembre 05, 17:14   #10 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-12-2005
Messaggi: 4
you will not find the plane inside those book, as it was built in 1929.
was this bird a large (2x2 metres) electric diven one? Than I have seen this maschine at the last grundlsee waterplane meeting this may. But she don't have any lettering inside the white triangle.
that's it! Thanks for the link; I downloaded the file instantly. That may help a lot. I'm a bit confused about the color, as I thought it would be white/light blue as on the S55, but I have no definitly color advise, so I will use this.

Thanks all,

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