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Vecchio 20 marzo 10, 09:10   #1 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 02-03-2007
Residenza: Molinella (bologna)
Messaggi: 3.150
CIAM- Nuova categoria per alianti elettrici Big Scale in vigore per il 2010

In CIAM ho letto che è stata istituita una categoria provisional per alianti elettrici che chiamano BIG SCALE, con apertura alare di oltre mt 3,75
Ecco il testo approvato.
La formula è molto semplice e credo che dovrebbe interessare parecchi costruttori che hanno riproduzioni elettrificate.

Paolo Dapporto

PS: è stata istituita anche una categoria per la F5B che rappresenta un po' la sostituta della vecchia 10 celle

5.5.9 F5G – BIG GLIDERS (PROVISIONAL) Definition
This contest is a duration and landing event for electric powered semi-scale gliders. Model Aircraft Specifications:
Minimum wingspan 3.75 m Maximum weight 7.5 kg
Duration and Landing Task
a) The duration task consists of 600 seconds gliding time and 30 seconds additional (free) motor run time.
b) The duration task starts from the moment the model aircraft is hand launched or started by a rubber catapult and ends with the first touch of the ground.
c) If more then 60 seconds motor run time are used, one point will be deducted for each full second flown in excess of 600 seconds.
d) The competitor has to decide how much and how often he will switch on the motor.
e) Gliding time is cumulative and one point will be awarded for each full second the model aircraft is gliding.
f) Additional points will be awarded for landing; when the model aircraft first touches the ground in one of the three concentric landing circles as follows:
30 m diameter circle
20 m diameter circle 10 m diameter circle
10 points
20 points 30 points
No additional points will be awarded if the landing occurs more than 630 seconds after beginning of this task.
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