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Vecchio 23 gennaio 10, 04:46   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 23-01-2010
Messaggi: 10
Seeking help about Italo Magrotti

Greetings fellow Modellers!

I am doing history research on Italo Magrotti and his engines, particullarly the Kosmic K-15.

Does any one remember italo and can help with scans of articles, old photos of the man himself etc. I read on this Forum about an article written by italo in 1984 in Modellistica magazine on tuned pipes, can any body send me a scanned copy in jpg format please?

Forgive me not writting to you in italian but i am from Australia where "English" is spoken!

Please send any and all information to my web address

Yours in Aero Modelling, David Burke.
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