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Vecchio 04 gennaio 09, 15:59   #6 (permalink)  Top
Hornet One
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Lightbulb Update: PWP (Price, Watts and Performance) Metric 2.0

Originalmente inviato da staudacher300 Visualizza messaggio
Interessantissimo, ed evidente anche la superiorità degli outrunner in termini di costi e prestazioni.
PWP (Price, Watts & Performance) Metric 2.0 - Google Documenti

In the example above, Scorpion HK-4035-630 and NeuMotors 1527/3D EDF systems are almost equals in weight and price, however Scorpion HK-4035-630 is 0.6x the watts and 1.12x the performance of NeuMotors 1527/3D. Using the WP formula, it is revealed that Scorpion HK-4035-630 is 1.87x more efficient and, using the PWP formula, over 2x more profitable than NeuMotors 1527/3D.
Icone allegate
PWP (Price, Watts and Performance) Metric-pwp-price-watts-performance-metric-2.0.jpg  
Files allegati
Tipo file: zip PWP (Price, Watts & Performance) Metric‎ (311,0 KB, 47 visite)
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