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Vecchio 03 gennaio 08, 22:18   #7 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 29-12-2007
Residenza: Duffel; Belgium
Messaggi: 3
Thank you for the kind words

The emblems and symbols of the squadron and stormo and the Italian air force are in place.

The Savioa insigne, the scarecrow and the facses are decals I made myself. First I searched for the pictures of it. Then, the scarecrow and fasces were cleaned up in photoshop. The Savioa insigna was big and sharp enough. It was provided by an Italian called Enrico, on Rcgroups.
Then, they were laser printed and glued on the plane with white glue. When it was dry, I varnished them to seal them and to make them water proof.
The numbering on the fuselage was hand painted.

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