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Vecchio 21 ottobre 18, 20:30   #11 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 21-10-2018
Residenza: firenze
Messaggi: 394
Hi aerofast
Originalmente inviato da aerofast Visualizza messaggio
Second point: the pink foam that you used for bringing forms in your Mig-21, what kind of foam is???
the foarm is the poliuretane expance
if using that you can make all.
Originalmente inviato da aerofast Visualizza messaggio
Third point: is this foam no-reactive whith polyester resin???
No! because after used foil to alluminium for clothe masterpice.

hi Migurel the you Mig-21 is very amazing.
i follow you always

Ultima modifica di at-6texan : 21 ottobre 18 alle ore 20:40
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