Discussione: Spektrum DX20
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Vecchio 09 febbraio 16, 11:23   #48 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 06-09-2008
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Copio info arrivatemi via mail e riguardanti la nuova DX20:

According to RC Blogs or RC Forums the new DX20 appears to be a rather controversial product.
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One thing i personally admire Spektrum for though is they are keeping away from all this new touch screen crap..... less expensive when things go wrong and less hassle, the more simple these radios are kept sometimes the better!

Yep, I have to agree - looks like a low rent prop from the Fast and the Furious. Interesting that they have not gone with Hall effect gimbals or a color screen - personally I don't like em as they are difficult to see I strong sunlight, but the 18SZ, DC24 and Horus have or will have colour they come out.

"Everyone has built in telemetry to almost all their air receivers, Spektrum, nothing" end quote

The DX20 looks pretty sharp to me. Pricey, but slick. Ergo's look nicer than the DX18, and leather grips will be better than rubber (no propensity to stickiness). Is it expensive? Sure. But overall I think Spektrum hit this one out of the park.

All the features look cool, but to be honest, its pretty darn ugly...

The one huge benefit I can see from this release is that there should be a large influx of DX18G2s being posted in the classified section soon by folks who have to have the latest and greatest! Hopefully I'll be able to snag a good deal on a more than adequate DX18g2.

Still not really seeing the value prop, unless you really need an extra channel over the DX7. Mostly this seems to be a DX9 is a DX7 case. Programming is the same as the 9 based on the feature list, it gets the better LCD, but the case is almost identical to the 7. If you wanted the 9's programming, but didn't need the sliders, here's your radio.

Love it. Back ordered mine already! Great value for high quality. Absolutely hit this one out.
(Disclaimer: Spektrum Team Pilot)

1300 bucks for another retrofit with the same crap screen but better gimbals.... how much will the SE, QQ version be with hall effect sensors ? Color screen can't please everybody but if they want more $$$$ they should have at least inserted e-ink technology screen

Re-housed DX18 gen 2's with gimmicky leather side grips and "carbon fibre" housing I bet really improves the transmitter resolution and feature set lol... they are charging up in Futaba 18sz price range for something that's nowhere near as good.

DX 20 , wow what a disappointment, The slight ugliness of it does not bother me , but why taunt users with all this supposed, amazing glider programming and than stick sliders on the back of the radio completely out of reach of pinch fliers, they must hate pinch fliers or do not care about that end of the market. If so release tray radios into US market. I have DX18 but I think that will be my last Spektrum radio. Alright I took the lack of built in telemetry crack out since there is some now. Just really disappointed.

The new Dx20 or call it what you might is still another Spektrum radio and in no way can compare to any of the Jeti radios either in quality or programming and wonder how many programming upgrades/ or fixes will come out after the physical release of the radio. As for their full telemetry , will be interesting to see what modules will be available. The face is still another standard radio front , nothing earth shattering with the screen at the bottom . It's telemetry functionality won't even come close to what Jeti has now with telemetry modules Available now. For the pricing of a DX20 being in the same back yard as Jeti and others ; have really never dug into what other brands can or can't do.
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Ultima modifica di LONGFLYER : 17 dicembre 16 alle ore 14:18
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