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Data registr.: 20-06-2007
Residenza: dintorni di Venezia
Messaggi: 5.234
e' arrivato l'aggiornamento alla 4.1.5 per il Microbeast PLUS ( o Pro )

Basic functionality
  • JR DMSS satellite support (RJ01 remote satellite); connect satellite using the Spektrum satellite adapter
  • systems with AR9020 fixed firmware only working with Ar9020 receivers (no receiver type selection here!)
  • Bugfix: Spektrum DSMX satellites can also be used in 22ms mode, not only with 11ms frame rate
  • Bugfix: initialization will not finish when Spektrum SRXL receiver is used and transmitter is still switched off
  • Bugfix: tail rotation rates in HeadingLock mode can be set up to 1000deg/s by increasing servo throw of rudder channel
  • Bugfix: Single-Line receiver can be connected to Microbeast PLUS even when receiver setup menu point B is opened already

Internal RPM Governor
  • optimized Governor control algorithm
  • more options for tweaking the Governor by using StudioX Expert setting (Thrust and Cyclic FeedForward; Gain adjustment)
  • more sensitive soft start for electric drives
  • Safety feature: throttle lock during initialization phase; if throttle is high during and after init throttle will stay locked until it's lowered
  • Transmitter throttle can be lower than set throttle low point also in electric governor mode. This allows to set low throttle point as close as possible the motor starting point but still throttle can be lower in the transmitter, i.e. when the ESC needs lower throttle values for initialisation or when ESC does stop motor at a lower throttle value.
  • When failsafe throttle is lower than set throttle low point in electric governor mode, then failsafe throttle position will be used as autorotation bailout position instead of low throttle position. This is necessary for some ESC that start motor at the set lowest throttle value but stop motor only farther below this point (i.e. ALIGN RCE-BL45X ESC).
  • increased maximum allowed value for fast rpm spool up/autorotation bail out for nearly instant regaining head speed (be careful: make sure rotor blade bolts are tight otherwise rotor blades may fold in when using very high spool up rate!)
  • added more deadzone for throttle stick detection when performing throttle low/high position setup so these menu point can be skipped without detecting stick movement by accident
  • Bugfix: StudioX will show the set RPM Governor mode also when system is still performing initialization sequence

  • AttitudeVector initialization in any position (no need to keep the helicopter in upright position during power up, i.e. you can lay the heli to the side for initialization when it's windy)
  • new feature for Bail out rescue mode: when inverted heli will be leveled in inverted hover first and then turned around only over roll axis. With this the loss of height typically is lower compared to immediately turning it around over all axis. Feature is on by default and can be switched off using StudioX Expert Settings.
  • new feature for Bailout rescue and 3D-Mode: locking cyclic stick input when AttitudeControl is enabled (Warning: Be very careful! Use at your own risk. Be aware that the system can fail due to different external factors). Feature is off by default and can be switched on using StudioX Expert Settings.
  • new feature for Flight trainer mode: Change tilt maximum tilt angle (stick scale) using StudioX Expert Settings. Default is 45°. As the tilt angle is directly depending on stick input you may increase or decrease the angle here in case the transmitter is only not sending 100% stick output, i.e. when using dual rate function to limit rotation rates in normal flight.
  • Normal-Rate tail gyro mode now available even when AttitudeControl is used. But only when AttitudeControl is controlled by separate switch channel!
  • Tail gyro gain and AttitudeControl now have similar display scale, so i.e. 50% gyro gain will show the same letter as 50% AttitudeControl gain
  • removed resetting of AttitudeControl mode and Governor mode when changing receiver setup
  • optimized pitch management during turn around in Bail out rescue mode with pitch
  • optimized stick fading for Bail out rescue and 3D - Mode, so flying around even when one of these modes is switched on feels more natural
  • no pitch management once the heli was leveled in Bail out rescue or 3D - Mode with pitch and when flying around while one of these modes is still enabled
2x Prôtos Carbon Stretch FBL:MKS9660 / MKS9670 + BEASTX detti "i gemelli"
Acrobat Shark FBL +BEASTX detto "Emmenthal / Mucca"
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