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Vecchio 22 febbraio 11, 17:21   #1286 (permalink)  Top
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1)Allora il traking sul sito swiss post va ma si ferma a zurigo:

RS909752744CH – international shipment (Hong Kong → Italy)
Date Time Status Processed by Notes Status
Tue 08.02.2011 17:17 Departure from border point of country of mailing [Being processed]

Item number CH:

Date Time Status Processed by Notes
Sat 29.01.2011 18:32 Mailed Swiss Post SINGAPORE
Sat 29.01.2011 18:32 Arrival at border point of country of mailing Swiss Post SINGAPORE
Mon 31.01.2011 17:22 Departed transit country Swiss Post SINGAPORE
Mon 31.01.2011 17:22 Departure from border point of country of mailing Swiss Post SINGAPORE
Mon 31.01.2011 17:23 Departed transit country Swiss Post SINGAPORE
Mon 31.01.2011 17:23 Departure from border point of country of mailing Swiss Post SINGAPORE
Tue 08.02.2011 09:23 Mailed 8059 Zürich 59 Ausland
Tue 08.02.2011 17:16 Arrival at border point of country of mailing CH-8010 Zürich 1
Tue 08.02.2011 17:17 Departure from border point of country of mailing CH-8010 Zürich 1

Coma lo trazzio sul sito delle poste??che codici metto??
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